About Us

Self-insured groups are created by business owners pooling their resources to achieve greater control, improved claims outcomes and lower overall costs. Members share in any surpluses or shortfalls of funding needed to cover claims and operating costs of the group.


Why Choose Self Insurance for your restaurant?

Although cost savings is a major reason why companies self-insure, the primary benefit SIG members enjoy is having control over their claims which ultimately means control over their bottom line.

CRMBC is owned, operated and governed by its members. Compare that to traditional insurers whose primary duty is to make a profit for their shareholders.

  • Alternative to Traditional Insurance
  • Improved Claims Outcomes
  • Greater Control
  • Cost Savings
  • Peace of Mind
  • Consistently outperforms traditional insurance.

CRMBC - The Right Fit for Restaurateurs

In 2023, accompanying the recently announced new leadership of CRMBC, The PATH Alliance was appointed as the group’s new Administrator beginning in May. PATH brings extensive expertise in financial management, regulatory compliance, claims oversight, safety and loss prevention, and member service to the group. Pacific Claims Management is the third-party administrator handling all claims for the group, while ALC Consulting is an outside claims consultant providing independent claims oversight. Moss Adams LLP has been appointed the group’s independent auditor.

In 2022, CRMBC reported member equity of nearly $20 million. CRMBC is currently welcoming new restaurant operators who exhibit a strong dedication to safety and a desire for greater control over their claims and their workers’ compensation program.  It is the right fit for restaurateurs who want to achieve better outcomes for their injured workers and their bottom line, and who wish to receive concierge level service.


Experience Member


Satisfied Clients


Awards Win


Insurance Products

Why choose us

We are award winning company

Growing Your Business
Save You Money
24/7 Support

Claims Handling

  • Comprehensive claims administration
  • Exceptional claims management
  • Cost-effective solutions
  • Commitment to service excellence
  • Medical provider network access
  • Educational resources and information

Underwriting Services

  • Comprehensive risk assessment
  • Tailored underwriting approach
  • Commitment to long-term success
  • Considers multiple factors
  • Proactive risk management
  • Member support and communication

Safety and Loss Control

  • Compliance assistance
  • Customized safety programs
  • Regular claims review
  • Root cause analysis
  • Ongoing safety communications
  • Comprehensive loss control

Group Administration & Management

  • Comprehensive administrative services
  • Financial management
  • Claims oversight
  • Customized safety programs
  • SOC I certification


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